During the Christmas holiday period I managed to get a layout done of our Christmas tree. The photos are a bit dark as I printed them on our printer. Near enough is good enough.... as long as the story is being told.
Journaling reads: "This year we pulled the Christmas tree out early - in the last couple of weeks in November. Typically though, it took us a few days to complete. On day one we get the tree and all the decorations out from the cupboard under the stairs and put the tree up. Then over the next day or so we sort lights and choose the decorations to use, and put them on the tree. We also have a tradition where each year we buy a new decoration with the year on it. Last is the star that xxxx has to always put up as us girls can't reach. Lights on!"
I love the Pointsettia Lace Paper by Little Yellow Bicycle. I have even used some of it as stencilling on my art works.
- Paper ~ Echo Park, American Crafts
- Lace Paper ~ Little Yellow Bicycle
- Alpha ~ Little Yellow Bicycle
- Dimensional Stickers ~ Little Yellow Bicycle
- Clear Border Sticker ~ Little Yellow Bicycle
*Some supplies may no longer be available.
Have you scrapped any Christmas traditions?
Scrapenny Designs x
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